Tuesday 20 September 2011


Cover page. 

Cook book.

Each student was required to design a Cook book cover and add three recipes in the book. Each student had to come up with a concept that will guide you, you cook book design and the kind of food you will be having in your cook book. My concept was to focus more on the South African, especially zulu traditional foods that they ate in the olden days and that we still do eat nowadays at home. The aim of this traditional concept is to educate young woman of all races about the culture and food and also encourage them to cook such things.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Harper's Bazaar

Groups of 7 were made in this project for the History of Graphic design. Each group had to chose from the given topics, we chose to research more about the Harpers bazaar magazine and fashion in the 1960's and 70's. This wasn't just an interesting project that we loved posing for but it also helped us improve our photoshop skills because each individual in a cover of each magazine issue was required to retouch and smooth their own photos.